Amy Adams in "Enchanted" (Disney) and Ben Affleck... in one of his gay roles (20th Century Fox) before directing "Gone Baby Gone."
Verdict: Watch them both.
"Daaaamn, Ben Affleck..." was an often occurring exclamation while a couple friends and I watched the first half of "Gone Baby Gone" for the first time the other night on the new movie-rental feature of iTunes. We were blown away--I mean, we all knew the boy could write because of "Good Will Hunting", but it could be argued that Matt Damon saved that one and Ben's pansy movie-role choices lately would add up to a sappy solo-directorial debut that only his brother would agree to star in. Until I began watching that fabulous, fabulous film. The boyfriend proclaimed, "It's the Chinatown of our generation!"...just as the little girl fell off the cliff and our 24-hour rental from the day previous expired (damn you, iTunes Movie Rentals!).
Okay... before you think I've completely lost it... 40 minutes later (after having to download the entire film AGAIN), we saw the SECOND HALF of the movie (I thought it had 15 minutes left, tops) and it fell straight into sub-plot blender like a bad episode of "Murder She Wrote." Surprise twist-and-turn endings are not your forte, Mr. Affleck, especially if they last 50 MINUTES. Which is too bad, because Casey Affleck, Ed Harris and Amy Ryan were fantastic and the dialog was the shit. In any case, we had a good 'ol time with our wicked-smawt Baston fauckin accents fa tharestatha night.
What does this have to fauckin do with "Enchanted"?
Simply that, I watched the Disney flick the day before and told said-friends that I quite liked its self-realizations about fairy-tales-meet-the-real-world. Like when Prince Edward (James Marsden) sees the damsel, Giselle (Amy Adams), for, like, a minute and--with hilarious satire--asks her to marry him tomorrow; or when Giselle sings the cleaning song with Manhattan vermin in place of the woodland creatures of the fairy-land Andalasia; or when, after some time in NYC, Giselle asks Prince Edward if they can date first.
So by the end of the night (and several six-packs of beer later, if I remember correctly) my friends were pretty pissed that I said I liked "Enchanted" earlier and then didn't like "Gone Baby Gone". Well, that seriously oversimplifies things--it's not that I didn't like it, I just think Ben fucked it up at the end--but there you have it.
Both available on home video.